Sunday, December 05, 2004

Be An Army of One... Hundred Fifty Thousand

"The American military presence in Iraq will grow by nearly 12,000 troops by next month, to 150,000, the highest level since the invasion last year, to provide security for the Iraqi elections in January..."

"The Pentagon is doing this mainly by ordering about 10,400 soldiers and marines in Iraq to extend their tours... extending the tours of some 8,000 soldiers from two brigades..."

"[A]bout 3,500 members of the Second Brigade of the First Cavalry Division,...were ordered to stay an additional 45 days... 4,400 troops from the Second Brigade of the 25th Infantry Division, had its departure date in early January delayed 60 days... the departure date of the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, with 2,300 marines from Okinawa, Hawaii and California, will be extended to mid-March."

- U.S. to Increase Its Force in Iraq by Nearly 12,000, New York Times, 12/2/2004


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