Desperate House Members, part II
In June 2004, Congressman Chris Bell of Texas filed a complaint with the U.S. House Ethics Committee against Majority Leader Tom Delay regarding DeLay's involvement in questionable campaign contributions allegedly solicited and accepted by his political action committee. Rep. Bell said "...he simply summarized published allegations and asked for an investigation. He wonders how anyone can know whether a complaint is speculative or exaggerated until it has been thoroughly explored."
And now, for some spin:
"He acted out of anger at losing his seat in Congress, blamed everyone but himself for his loss, and turned his obsessive rage on me. Mr. Bell has been exposed for the partisan stalker that he is."
- House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) on Rep. Chris Bell (D-TX)
"Tom DeLay is clearly in denial. He is apparently willing to say anything in order to deflect attention away from his own unethical conduct."
- Rep. Chris Bell
"Tom DeLay proved this morning that he is not only unethical but delusional. No amount of mudslinging can hide the fact that Mr. DeLay has repeatedly abused his power... DeLay's display today and his repeated ethical lapses have brought dishonor on the House of Representatives."
- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
"Mrs. Pelosi is entitled to her opinion, of course... Then again, Mrs. Pelosi's past as a flagrant and hypocritical violator of federal election law obviously calls her judgement on this matter into question."
- House Majority Leader Tom Delay
When asked on Meet the Press if he thought the GOP vote to let Rep. DeLay remain Majority Leader was the right thing to do, Senator John McCain, co-author of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act, stated:
"No, I don't think so. I saw Newt Gingrich the other night on a program. He disagreed with that as well. There was a congressman, McDade, that was indicted some years ago. He stepped down. He was found innocent and he regained his position. I would think that would be the proper way to go."
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