Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Maybe there's a reason some states look down on you

From Oct. 12 - 18, 2004, the University of Maryland's Center on Policy Attitudes (COPA) and the Center for International and Security Studies conducted a survey that found, among other things:

"It may seem contradictory that three quarters of Americans say that the US should not have gone to war if Iraq did not have WMD or was not providing support to al Qaeda, while nearly half still say the war was the right decision. However, support for the decision is sustained by persisting beliefs among half of Americans that Iraq provided substantial support to al Qaeda, and had WMD, or at least a major WMD program."

Despite the widely-publicized conclusions of the Duelfer report, 49% of Americans continue to believe Iraq had actual WMD (27%) or a major WMD program (22%), and 52% believe that Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda.

And to give you a few hints on which voters were part of the 49%:

Q14. Is it your impression that the US has or has not found clear evidence in Iraq that Saddam Hussein was working closely with the al-Qaeda terrorist organization? (No evidence was or has been found.)

 US has : 38%
  Bush supporters: 63%
  Kerry supporters: 12%

 US has not: 57%
  Bush supporters: 32%
  Kerry supporters: 85%

 (No answer) : 5%

Q17. Is it your impression the Bush administration is currently saying that the US has found clear evidence Saddam Hussein was working closely with the al Qaeda terrorist organization? (No clear evidence was or has been found.)

 Is : 53%
  Bush supporters: 55%
  Kerry supporters: 52%

 Is not : 40%
  Bush supporters: 37%
  Kerry supporters: 43%

 (No answer) : 8%

Blue states, grab a bottle of something and read the rest of the report here.


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